How To Prepare For A Digital Zoom Date!

How To Prepare For A Digital Zoom Date!

 How To Prepare For A Digital Zoom Date!

Express & Impress on Zoom and Kill Those Virtual Dating Anxieties 

 Normal dating is stressful enough but it has taken an even bigger swerve down the stressful path since the need to distance.  We have all been thrown into a new normal where unfortunately an inability to meet in person is the result.  If you want to keep your hand in that all important dating scene, then reaching for Zoom to have a romantic date night is a step you have to take.   So wipe that screen clean, get on your sexy shirt and lets make dating a new virtual fun!


How To Prepare For A Digital Zoom Date!

Since everyone has nowhere to go right now, paying attention to what’s in the background of your call can really set the mood of a digital Zoom date.  It is also a good conversation starter - when staging your background, try to incorporate something that may spark conversation, like art, a bookcase, flowers or a plant. You don't have to go overboard, but be mindful that your space adds dimension to their impression of you. Think about the vibe you want to give off and use things around your home to create that feel. 



How To Prepare For A Digital Zoom Date!

 Looking your best is always important on those first dates.  Now you have to make sure you are impressing on screen too...just to add to the pressure! No sweat guys...treat the virtual dating scene just as you would any other date. Would you groom, style and dress for the occasion normally?! We hope the answer is yes to that!! Well, do exactly the same for a Zoom Virtual Date.  Check out your video quality before the date starts. Also check your lighting and background to see it all looks as you were envsioning.  Ambient lighting in the room works really well to soften features.  You can also use a ring light in front of you...if you have some techy kit available.  One Tip...don't wear headphones!


How To Prepare For A Digital Zoom Date!

We all know that first dates can have those awkward silent moments at the best of times but with the new way of doing things you can't even be in the same room so you are deftly going to feel those moments with more strength.  Don't panic, we have some suggestions to ease these issues.  Having a drink in your hand or on the side can help - use it as a filler to any silence while you think of another line. It also has the benefit of calming your nerves!  Playing some background music can also be a great way of setting a romantic ambience. It could also be a talking choose wisely - obviously don't pick heavy metal - pick something that compliments the occasion and your date. 

TOP Zoom Dating Tips:

The Camera Goes Both Ways

It's easy to forget that the person you are talking to can see you also! Think about your posture and remember not to partake in any embarrassing habits! Hold your head up and maintain eye contact if you can. 

Smile A LOT!

Don't take things too lot! Even if you are nervous, just be yourself and let your personality show.

Set Boundaries

Especially on the first few dates a start time and end, just until you get to know your date well. Some platforms have a capture an image function, so keep this in mind.

Acknowledge any Awkwardness.  

Both parties are going to be slightly apprehensive, the best way to ease anxiety is to acknowledge the issue.

Clean Your Place!

Really...this is sooo important! Nobody wants to see your dirty laundry or last nights left over food. Plus...who wants to date a slob who can’t tidy their home where they are living continually through lockdown? You get the picture! You might end up changing positions, so don't just tidy in the frame. Make the will pay off.

Lighting Matters

It really does. Peach artificial light tones are always very flattering for that nighttime zoom call.  

Have a Definitive End Time 

As mentioned, this can give structure and gives you an excuse to leave if you haven't clicked with your date!

Have Realistic Expectations

Zoom dating can be great but it is different...give it time, don't just dismiss someone because they may be camera shy.  These are unusual times we are living in and we all need a little understanding. 

'Treat a digital date the same way you would treat any other date'

How To Prepare For A Digital Zoom Date!

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